Answers To Your Questions - 2
What is your favorite zoo- exhibit? The monkey house, they look like they are in giant cubicles. They are so much like humans it’s fascinating to watch them in action.
How many shelves does your refrigerator have? Including freezer 7.
My Questions:
What was your favorite subject in school?
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
What are your origins, like English, German or whatever it may be, there ya go, what are you origins? Irish, Sicilian, and French Canadian. The irony is my family has been trying to learn about our Sicilian heritage, while my grandfather was ashamed of it because he grew up in a predominantly German and Polish neighborhood. He even went so far as to change his first name from Salvatore to George and change the pronunciation of our last name. And my sis and I have also taken an interest in our Irish heritage with help from The Hooligans.
What book of the Bible is your fave? Lately I’ve been going back to the Book of Hosea. The prophet who married the prostitute. Because it was an apt metaphor for my life and was really happening. I was a sinner going my own way, even when I was a Christian, God punished me and loved me, calling me back to Him. It’s a beautiful book on how much God loves us.
My Questions:
What was the first thing you noticed about your fiancé?
If you could at the drop of the hat do anything, what would it be?
She’s A Sprite’s
Who had the most influence on your life, and why? There isn’t one particular person who influenced me, but many along the ways have had their impact in my life. My kindergarten teacher Mrs. Hymerling and fifth grade teachers Mrs. Chance, probably the few good teachers I had during my childhood who didn’t make me feel stupid or let me get lazy. Wish I had more like them. Kris Perkins, my youth pastor when I was in school and Chris Shenk my best friend during that time, both laid the foundation for my faith. Mike Yaconelli and Henri Nouwen, I only met the former once and the latter not at all, but I feel like they were my mentors. A lot of my faith has been shaped by their works. And believe it or not, the kids I have worked with over the years have influenced me. Taught me to not take myself so seriously and that I don’t have to act cool or try to be relevant to have an impact.
What do you do for a living, and are you happy with it? I am a temp at a title company, I do not like it, but it’s a living and don’t complain because I have no reason to. I’m blessed to have a job. I am happy irregardless of what I’m doing, but I am hopefully, if it’s God’s will, going back to school in the next 6 months to a year.
My Questions:
If you had the means and opportunity to do anything, what would it be?
Why the fascination with sprites?
Who do you influence? I’d hope I influence the kids that I work with to seek Him daily. It is difficult to tell sometimes and I won’t see the fruits of my labor. Oddly enough I’m OK with that. All I can do is love them, listen, pray, and hope that it takes. At the very least I know of one kid I influenced. He wanted me to take him to South Street (a hipster place in Philly), but I told him unless he got his grades up I wouldn’t take him. Not only did he get his grades up, but he admits he feels better about himself as a result of it. So better grades and self worth through bribery.
What superpower do you have? Super speed baby. I know I look big and cumbersome, but I’m mad quick.
My Questions:
What is your favorite memory?
What scares you?
There is one day left to send me your questions and what you discovered over the past year. I won't be taking any more submissions when the new year strikes.
posted by Out Of Jersey | 5:39 AM