Monday, December 19, 2005

A Librarian Looks At Post Modernism

Neil E. Das is a reference librarian at a community college. He was born and spent his early life in Pakistan, the homeland of his father. Since college he has lived in the Midwest, from where his mother hailed. He currently lives in St. Louis, Missouri and attends church at New City Fellowship. He is the author of The Dassler Effect.

Neil has become one of the newest Cube Heads. I became interested in his sight because of his discussions on faith and art, a subject I care very much about. When I put out an offer for anyone interested in doing a guest post for The Cubicle Reverend he was the first to respond. I was curious to see what he was going to write about. He sent me an article that he descrbed as, " intellectual and faith journey and my contentious interactions with postmodernism." That is putting it mildly. While reading his article I often found myself nodding my head in agreement for I can understand what it is he was talking about. Though we came from different ends of the spectrum when it comes to thought (his more intellectual and facts based, mine more poetic and interpretive based) our wrestling with faith and modern thought were very similar.

Read his article in Catapult Magazine. And welcome to the Cubisphere and all the rights and privileges attatched thereto.

Reminder! Don't forget the current Cube Head contest going on as we speak. I'd like to have all the entries in after the New Year in order to begin judging and get the t-shirts out to the people who want them.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 5:21 AM


Blogger The Light Fantastic said...

How do you put those things up to show what you're reading or listening to or "what you're digging?"

12:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well thanx 4 the links there, will have to go ahead and check it all out!
I wish I could think of a design for your tshirts, im such a bad creator!
Well anyway maybe a stick figure with a cube head and not bald!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Out Of Jersey said...

Hey man, draw it up and e-mail it to me, you never know.

9:32 PM  

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