Answers To Your Questions: Part 1
As an adult I am afraid that I will grow up with such a sense of defeat. I saw this with a lot of older adults I knew. They'd complain about how they have no friends, have no life, have nothing, etc. but felt so defeated that they'd never do anything about it. They just resigned themselves that it didn't matter anymore. Or if they did try they gave up real quickly and gave pathetic excuses as to why. As a child other people scared me. No lie, I was so afraid of people that I didn't know how to act around them. I'd have a panic attack or something. I got picked on a lot as a kid so all I wanted was to be left alone, though I desperately wanted people to like me too.
- Todd, where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
Steph asked, If God decided to answer three of your prayers (wishes), what would they be?
They'd be for the salvation of my loved ones, friends kids growing up in the Lord, joy and happiness. Usual stuff really.
- Steph, If you could have your dream job, what would it be?
Katie, asked, How would you define yourself using only FIVE words?
Odd, caring, tempermental, loyal, funny
- Katie, what would you say your strongest attributes are?
KrisT asked, What activities do you do that relax you after a long, hard day? and If your blog was actually your home, who would your next door neighbors be? Who's blog would be across the street? Who would you go to if you needed to borrow a cup of sugar? Who would be sooooooooooo noisy that you'd have to tell them to 'KEEP IT DOWN'?
I am an easy guy to please. I usually come home, put on the Simpsons and grab a glass of wine. I'd see us living on a cul-de-sac somewhere. So we'd all be facing each other. I think Preachrblog will be on the left and Caffeinated Adventures on the right, I'd also go to them for sugar. If anything you'd have to keep me quiet, especially if wrestling was on and Todd was over. Or if Eddo and Logan came over for a beer. You'd get ticked quick I think.
- KrisT, you asked me 2 questions, so I get to ask you two questions: What was the strangest way a guy asked you out? Who is the person you most admire?
Logan asked, What is the biggest flaw that you see in Christians Today? If you could be any famous person who would you be and why?
Kristi asked, Is there something that your parents did that you swore you would never do, and now you find yourself doing it? What is it?
Shenna asked, What was your most embarrassing moment in life?
Eddo asked, Why did you start blogging and how did you hear about it for the first time?
Tuburculosis, I mean TB Vick asked, If you could choose only one of these virtues to define who you are as a person, which one would you choose?
Truthfulness, Faithfulness, Benevolence, or Nonmaleficence
Natalie asked, If you met the 18yr-old version of yourself on the street and went out to coffee, what would you talk about?
David W asked, If you met Jesus in person what question would you ask him?
There is still time to ask, it's over 2/3 so feel free to ask away.
posted by Out Of Jersey | 10:18 AM