Friday, September 30, 2005

The Things We Didn't Say

I am a firm believer in giving credit where credit is due:
Rick who keeps a great blog that I check daily called Caffeinated Adventures does a great job at keeping abreast of things. Though I cannot say I agree entirely with his thinking he offers great commentary on a lot of what is going on in the world. He's smart without being overly intellectual and out of touch, he gets personal without being overly sentimental, and he's well read without being a trapped into one type of books. Well job Rick. Keep it up.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 8:39 AM | 1 comments

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Underrated Stars

Though I don't entirely agree it is refreshing to see someone trying to push forward the careers of some extremely talented women and men.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 2:23 PM | 2 comments

Uh, Yeah

I have to admit there is a limited amount of truth to what she is saying. I do believe we try to hard to convert people to Christ and wrestle every little thing even hinting of faith into submission to be used as a ministry tool. But I think it's going a tad far here. What's next, Strippers for Jesus?

But of course we all know the problems a child reading the Bible can cause. Total Anarchy! Of course if it'd make them feel better they can always bring in the Sports Illustrated Swin Suit Edition. Are we really getting that stupid? Special thanks to Looking Closer for this one.

Your faithful Cubicle Rev tries to be equal opportunity when pointing out obsurdity. To quote a wise philodopher, "Stupid is, as stupid does." And to show this I'll tell you about my own experience with religious intollerance:

I once got asked to put my Bible away while I was trying to read it..... during detention. Fortunately the Bible reading took. Uh, yeah. Definately not one of my brighter moments. And I don't think my youth pastor was quite convinced when I called it a short term missions trip.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 8:42 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Worship is So Hard!

Maybe I'm getting old and cranky, but I am caring less and less about the style of the worship as long as I can do it for God's glory. Of course what we really need in Christianity is another split! As always a special thanks to my coleague at Caffeinated Adventures for bringing this to my attention.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 12:37 PM | 2 comments

Friday, September 23, 2005

Grabbing The Baton

I have just been tagged (sort of) from the king of Pre-Modern thought himself. I love these things because they either: (a) help me realize that I spend way too much time either at the computer, tv, or with earphones on; (b) I need to clean house big time.
So here it goes:

1. Total number of books you own?
I'm competitive with Millinerd, but while his are worthwile subjects like theology, philosophy, and history (I have a shelf dedicated to this) I tend more towards poetry(an entire book case taller than me). Especially poetry in translation. I have an entire room of my house dedicated to books.

2. What is the last book(s) you bought?
Martin Luther - Small Catechism
Robert Lowell - Notebooks
Both used and in great condition.

3. What was the last book you read?
Derek Walcott - The Prodigal

4. List 5 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):
1. Mike Yaconelli's Messy Spirituality & Dangerous Wonder. I know this is cheating, but in my mind they are one book. Never has two books on faith have so greatly affected me. I actually felt uncomfortable after reading them.

2. Earnest Hemingway's Collected short stories. He was the man! Not only could he write, but he wasn't some guy stuck in an ivory tower writing about life, he lived it.

3. Donald Hall's poetry, sorry to be vague, but I first read him in a poetry journal. He was the first modern poet I discovered. All I could say afterwards was, "Wow!" Finally got to meet him last year. He more than met my expectations.

4. Taha Muhammad Ali - Never Mind: an incredible Middle Eastern poet. He is a humble man who runs a small gift shop in Jerusalem. Not a typical career for a poet. I met him as well. It is rare where I feel in awe of another person's presence.

5. The Collected Stories of Flannery O'connor, for the reasons listed here.

5. Tag five people, any five people who read:
1. Far Country Tell
2. Caffeinated Adventures
3. Looking Closer
4. Burr in the Burgh
5. isutificare

Looks like Benny Hinn is still going strong. We are living in a world of a glitzy velvet Elvis Gospel.

The 100 Minute Bible could be the next best thing since minute rice. Far Country Tell has taken a very critical view of this new book. Though I am wondering if, much like The Message Bible, it could be used as a suplement, not a replacement, to Scripture. Having never seen it I, and many of my compatriates, might be judging it too quickly. Though I have a feeling Far is more correct in his thinking than I am, I want to see what the fuss is before I make a final decision in the matter. I greatly appreciate Far's sight. I don't always get where he is coming from, and I have a feeling we do not see eye to eye on some non-essential matters, but at least he gets me to think!

What Concerts have meant the most to you and why? Looking Closer asked this big question after seeing Arcade Fire live.

I appreciate Burr in the Burgh's most recent post. Someday I hope to study for the pastorate and he gives some great insights into the matter.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 6:48 AM | 6 comments

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Savage Chickens

Ever wonder what chickens do when no one is looking? Wonder no more because there is a sight that probes the deeper realms of average every day chickens. They laugh, they love, the philosophize. Now I can sleep better at night.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 2:02 PM | 0 comments

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Death of a Coalition

I have to admit I am not sure how I feel about The Christian Coalition going under. For years they have done nothing of real value to help or spread the love of Christ to the world. Instead they opted to spread yet another form of legalism disguised as faith, attatching themselves to the Republican Party. But this isn't anything new. I feel like I am forced to choose between a hard line conservative or wishy washy liberal faith that is more about ideas and political agenda than having a relationship with God, spreading the Gospel, and loving others. So what are we to do?

posted by Out Of Jersey | 10:45 AM | 0 comments

Monday, September 19, 2005

There's Something In The Water

Having become a reformed couch potato when the new fall line up came out I was less than enthused. As I waited for my dinner I figured I'd content myself with channel surfacing until it was ready. I seriously didn't think anything coming out this year was going to be all that impressive except for My Name Is Earl more for the fact one of my favorite actors is starring in it. But I found something that really caught my eye. I do not know what first made me stop, but a childhood fascination with sea monsters had me hooked. But I have a bad habit of getting attached to shows that fail quite badly. So on second thought, I'm going to keep my mouth shut about this one.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 6:18 PM | 1 comments

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Derek Walcott - "The Prodigal"

I rarely sit and read a book length poem. All I can say is I was overwhelmed. Most poetry today is very flat and not particularly deep. It never takes you below the surface. Derek doesn't just go below the surface, but rips out the roots, covers you in dirt, and asks you to find your way out again. He creates images and uses language that is almost unheard of these days. He more than earned that Noble Prize. This book chronicles his travels around the world during a period of time when all he wanted to do was get back to his island. Though I have to admit I found it a bit thick at times. This isn't a book you can read once and grasp every little detail of it like a Nicholas Sparks book.
If you want writing that is more epic in scope, then this is it.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 7:03 PM | 0 comments

Friday, September 16, 2005

Prof's Say The Darndest Things

I found these quotes from The Phantom Professor. Nice to know the next generation of college students are in good hands.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 8:30 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Church and State

I wish people would lighten up and not take every little thing as a battle.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 10:09 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Is Art History Reputable?

According to Millinerd, yes it is. Out of all seriousness studying the history of any art medium is important, if not necessary, for keeping many of the traditions alive. Besides, if it's good for Prince William then it must be a great thing. This is a great post. I highly recommend reading it.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 5:53 AM | 2 comments

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Miracle Baby - wooooh!

I would find the case of a woman miraculously giving birth when they have been unable to in the past amazing if it weren't for what happened after the birth that was so disturbing.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 5:54 PM | 0 comments

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown

Today we have lost a blues legend. Although he didn't consider himself a blues artist often infusing his unique style of guitar work with zydeco, country, and rock sounds. He was also accomplished in playing the viola which he chose because it was bigger than a violin.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 7:15 PM | 0 comments

Sickness and Health

A few weeks ago I went to a horror convention. My interest in this genre rarely goes beyond 1930’s – 1960’s B-movies. The type which have no real script, a pointless story, flat acting, and special effects are so bad you wonder how they thought a hubcap on a string could ever pass for a flying saucer. These people are hard core to the point where many were dressed up in costume. A friend of mine who is a comedian and knows I’m a Christian (I’m a bit of a novelty he likes to introduce as a future reverend, go figure), while hanging out an attractive woman dressed like the devil (which included red body paint) walked by. My friend says to me, ”She is your enemy. She’ll try and tempt to you.” I was struck by his statement because we have developed an Us Vs. Them. We shouldn’t be seeing them as enemies, but instead we need to seem them as Christ did which is as sick needing a doctor. Christ very often hung out with people society considered undesirable. He met them at the well of their lives. Though He confronted her with brutal honesty about her sins he loved her in spite of them. He accepted the person, not the behavior. Which is how he found us, broken and sinful, offering redemption freely. That whacky thing called grace. And yet we act so smug and privileged? Mike Yaconelli often told a story about a young woman who ministered to gang members. Somehow she managed to get them attend a Bible study at her church. I’m sure that would be a story in itself. One night the pastor happened to be there and the gang members thought he was pretty cool. They asked if they could attend one of his services. At first she wasn’t too sure, but figured it would be a good thing. That Sunday she took them up to the balcony. As the preacher came down the aisle the gang members started to cheer and yell, “We think you’re cool!” The parishioners were appalled at the gang members lack of etiquette and asked them to never come back. Mike said they had failed for instead of asking them to leave they should have been invited down with the rest of the congregation. Amen to that Mike. We often forget we were once up in the balcony. It is always easier to love the people we know will love us back.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 10:49 AM | 0 comments

Friday, September 09, 2005

When Bad Things Happen To Good Chickens

PETA is at it yet again! You'd think having Pamela Anderson as their spokes person would have mellowed them out a little bit. Thanks to Preachrblog for pointing this one out to me. I enjoy his blog, check it out when you get the chance as well as his Lutheran in Crime Burr in the Burgh. they are two of my favorites that I check periodically.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 8:02 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Three Questions

I posed three questions to Caffeinated Adventures blog, and now it's my turn. Here are the rules:

Ask me 3 questions. Any 3, no matter how personal, private or random. I have to answer them honestly. I have to answer them all. I reserve the right to edit as necessary, but not worried on that front. In turn, you post this message in your own blog or journal and you have to answer the questions that are asked of you.

Have at it.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 6:15 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

10 Things I Have Done You Probably Haven't, Plus Some Things Worth Checking Out

The idea here is to note things you've done that you think are pretty unique -- although, given what's happened in other blogs and journals where this game is being played, you'll be surprised at how many people end up saying "Hey, I've done that, too!" Put them up in your own blog and let the fun begin (you can also add your list in comments, or put a link back to any entry you write).To get you started, here are ten things I've done that you probably haven't:

1) Watched paint dry for eight hours and got paid for it.
2) Done stand up comedy.
3) Shot pool in the Dominican Republic
4) Sang Irish Rebel songs around a campfire at 4:00 in the morning.
5) Got into a pizza fight with 3 day old pizza.
6) Been to a Japanese Tea Garden.
7) Met Jimmy "The Superfly" Snuka
8) Walked from 6th Street to 40th in Philadelphia during a rain storm with no umbrella.
9) Been published as a writer.
10) Had the best Dim Sum in Philadelphia.

What are your ten things? Write them up on your own site and leave a comment here.

Thanks Caffeinated Adventures for another fun one.

What's Worth Reading
Burr in the Burgh has a great article with links to Christianity and the Movies.

And to continue on my Lutheran themed links here is a great hymn posted at Preachrblog.

What makes a child of the 80's? Groping For God has brought back this age old debate that has plagued man for decades.

Have an interest in ancient Christianity? You aren't alone. Think Tank discusses this topic in his newest post.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 10:30 AM | 4 comments

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Spring Essence

Ho Xuan Houng was a Viet Namese concubine in the 15th century. What makes her poems so intense is the subtlety she addressed issues from sexism to negative political agendas. Using inuendo and beautiful poetic images she attacks a lot of the ideas common at that time. These poems were translated from a dialect of Viet Namese not spoken in centuries. John Balaban did such an incredible job this has to be one of my favorite books of poems.

Chieu-Ho's Reply

No, I'm not drunk, and yes, I was awake.
And why not flirt with the moon by day?

At the tiger's cave where one shouldn't play,
his cub leapt in your hands to have his way.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 7:25 PM | 1 comments

Farewell Little Buddy

Today we have lost a castaway. His memory will forever live on in syndication.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 2:16 PM | 3 comments

Will There Be A Twist?

I always look forward to M. Knight's n movies. Though I'd like to see him break away from doing the "Big Twist" like most his other films I will definately go see it. Especially since Paul Giamatti is in it.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 2:08 PM | 0 comments

Sinking Feeling

At least the guy did something. Most people I know are only griping about the rising gas prices.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 1:55 PM | 0 comments

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Wiser Beyond Her Years

How do you feel simathy for a racist? How do you manage to feel any sort of pity on a person who's beliefs are so negative and heartless that all you want to do is hate them. Flannery O'Connor does this in spades. I do not know how, but she makes hateful characters seem so pathetic because of that unjustified hatred. And she does it so poetically and wise beyond her years I often thought I was reading a story by a wizened old woman like Eudora Whelty. She was in her 20's! How was she able to write so passionately and intelligiently about such difficult topics. Many writers today who have years in the MFA circuit do not write like this. I love her work. When it comes to fiction writers she is one of my to 10 along with James Joyce, Raymond Carver, etc.

posted by Out Of Jersey | 10:42 AM | 2 comments