I have just been
tagged (sort of) from the king of Pre-Modern thought
himself. I love these things because they either: (a) help me realize that I spend way too much time either at the computer, tv, or with earphones on; (b) I need to clean house big time.
So here it goes:
1. Total number of books you own?I'm competitive with
Millinerd, but while his are worthwile subjects like theology, philosophy, and history (I have a shelf dedicated to this) I tend more towards poetry(an entire book case taller than me). Especially poetry in translation. I have an entire room of my house dedicated to books.
2. What is the last book(s) you bought?Martin Luther - Small CatechismRobert Lowell - Notebooks
Both used and in great condition.
3. What was the last book you read?Derek Walcott - The Prodigal4. List 5 books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order):1. Mike Yaconelli's
Messy Spirituality &
Dangerous Wonder. I know this is cheating, but in my mind they are one book. Never has two books on faith have so greatly affected me. I actually felt uncomfortable after reading them.
2. Earnest Hemingway's Collected short stories. He was the man! Not only could he write, but he wasn't some guy stuck in an ivory tower writing about life, he lived it.
Donald Hall's poetry, sorry to be vague, but I first read him in a poetry journal. He was the first modern poet I discovered. All I could say afterwards was, "Wow!" Finally got to meet him last year. He more than met my expectations.
Taha Muhammad Ali -
Never Mind: an incredible Middle Eastern poet. He is a humble man who runs a small gift shop in Jerusalem. Not a typical career for a poet. I met him as well. It is rare where I feel in awe of another person's presence.
5. The Collected Stories of Flannery O'connor, for the reasons listed
5. Tag five people, any five people who read:1.
Far Country Tell2.
Caffeinated Adventures3.
Looking Closer4.
Burr in the Burgh5.
isutificareWORTH READING:Looks like
Benny Hinn is still going strong. We are living in a world of a glitzy velvet Elvis Gospel.
100 Minute Bible could be the next best thing since minute rice.
Far Country Tell has taken a very critical view of this new book. Though I am wondering if, much like
The Message Bible, it could be used as a suplement, not a replacement, to Scripture. Having never seen it I, and many of my compatriates, might be judging it too quickly. Though I have a feeling Far is more correct in his thinking than I am, I want to see what the fuss is before I make a final decision in the matter. I greatly appreciate Far's sight. I don't always get where he is coming from, and I have a feeling we do not see eye to eye on some non-essential matters, but at least he gets me to think!
Concerts have meant the most to you and why?
Looking Closer asked this big question after seeing Arcade Fire live.
I appreciate
Burr in the Burgh's most recent post. Someday I hope to study for the pastorate and he gives some great
insights into the matter.