Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Pentacostals, Emergants, and You

This guy just about covers the gambit of some of the more extreme ideas. I give him credit for being to sight those I've mentioned before and the Anabaptists! As a former pentecostal I found it intriguing. I visited my former church that was heavily pentecostal and have to say I no longer cared for it. If anything I found it to be a tad annoying. I remember thinking how spiritual I looked at that time because my hands were raised, I prayed in the spirit (so I thought), and was up at the alter ever week for prayer. Plus I went on Sunday nights and Wednesdays as well like a good Christian. Fortunately, there are many in the charismatic movement who do get it and are better off than I ever was. And I'll give extra points for the person who first tells me how many times he identifies the emergent movement. We in the emergent movement.... People who consider themselves emergent... etc.


posted by Out Of Jersey | 7:13 PM


Blogger jasdye said...

i think i consider myself emerging.

does that answer your question?

5:18 PM  
Blogger Out Of Jersey said...

I just find it funny how anyone talking about a particular group always makes statements like, "We as Republicans..." or "we as methodists..." Like they are speaking for the group as a whole.

8:16 PM  
Blogger jasdye said...

right. especially since the emerging/emergent movement is not an organizational one, and largely shapeless (or at least very diverse).

8:43 AM  
Blogger Out Of Jersey said...

I am not going to lie. My knowledge is sketchy on them. Didn't they just form a central governing body of some sort?

11:00 AM  
Blogger Out Of Jersey said...

I am not going to lie. My knowledge is sketchy on them. Didn't they just form a central governing body of some sort?

11:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Tony Jones and Doug Pagitt have attempted to coalesce the idea of the emerging paradigm into a new "non-denomination," but they certainly don't speak for everyone who's disillusioned with the ecclesial status quo.

But they do drink beer and smoke cigars at their bible studies, so count me in.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Out Of Jersey said...

cigars and beer at bible studies.... am I hearing a brain storm a-coming!?

7:46 PM  

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