Monday, May 19, 2008

Meditationi: A Response

I appreciate Jeff and Jefe's response to my post on meditation (see below). I like the idea of meditation being a mumbling type of working things out. That's exactly what my experience was like, trying to figure out the nature of God. Fat chance of that this side of heaven, but it's a nice thought. I kept going over and over in my mind the many names and ideas of God crammed into my head over my life. Then the questioning began. What do I know about God? How has my past experiences in the faith impacted positively or negatively my idea about who God is? Perhaps I wasn't even mediating in the strictest sense of the word. I was trying to figure things out. I also think Jeff's concerns about the role of meditation (or lack thereof) in a Christian's life. Especially coming from his background as a Buddhist. That is why whenever I try a new spiritual discipline or go back to one I haven't done in a while I try to not take it lightly. Let's face it, I could be very wrong about this and the last thing I want to do is cause my brother or sister to stray. If you feel that this is something that shouldn't be done, don't do it. If you think that as a brother I am in error then by all means give me council to help put me on the right path. Which is what I thought both Jefe and Jeff tried to do.


posted by Out Of Jersey | 6:50 PM


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